Begonia Dappled - Hieroglyphics

Begonia Dappled  - Hieroglyphics
This colourful begonia is one to add to any collection.

The dappled green/brown makes it very effective. This one has hairs on the edges of the leaves, more noticeable in young leaves where the leaves have curls.

Rhizomatous begonia
NZ$ 20.00
Begonia Dappled
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There are so many different types of begonas, quite a few that are similar looking.  I have not found one with such startling colours as this one.

So far the leaves on mine have reached about 12cm, so it isn't a huge growing variety.  The flowers are pink, unscented, but held above the plant, so are quite noticeable.

I prefer to send out smaller begonias because the leaves when bigger are so prone to damage.  Also when you receive a small plant, you can pot it up, and settle it in your space, ready for it to take off.

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