March Birthday Sale

All website items are 15% until 31 March 2025


Remember not all my products are listed For Sale on my website.  Check out my social media, especially Facebook for more things I stock.   

Most plants are named, so search via names, or just ask.   

I use Facebook as a record of what I grow and make, so most things are shown.  Some, like begonias are in photo albums.


Hoya publicalyx Royal Hawiian Purple

Hoya publicalyx Royal Hawiian Purple
Check out the great variegations in the leaf colour of these.

At different times of the year, they look stunning.

small plant ready to grow.
NZ$ 10.00
NZ$ 8.50
This ties in with the items For Sale on my Facebook page. So please check them out as well.
Hoya publicalyx RHP
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I have shown the chimera flowers. This means they appear mottled, or variegated. Nothing to worry about it is just because this is a Chimera variety of Hoya.

I have one of these growing out on my deck, seems to do fine there. Only gets indirect light and is sheltered from frosts.

Water when required, fertilise for good results, and repot as necessary. Easy as to look after Hoya plants.

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